The must have Baby Essentials you need before your baby arrives + a free checklist

essential baby gear needed for new baby and free checklist

When I was pregnant with my first baby, I did all the research into exactly what newborn baby essentials that I needed to buy before the baby came. And guess what? I quickly became overwhelmed with all of the things everyone was saying to register for. I also wanted my home to remain my home and not turn into a baby superstore. How in the world was I going to do that when everyone was saying "buy all the baby stuff"?!

I worked really hard to pick and choose exactly what items I needed for my new baby. And now, after having 4 babies, I feel that I'm an expert when it comes to maintaining a organized home and cutting out the baby clutter, while still having all the newborn essentials and baby necessities that you need to have. 

And I am here to tell you that YES! It is possible to keep your the baby gear to a minimum so that you aren't tripping over all the baby things in the middle of the night! No, you do not need 5000+ items for your newborn baby to survive, but there are several baby items that you are going to need and things I consider essential.

I've put together the baby essentials list that I wish I had 9 years ago when I was shopping for my first baby. I hope you find this guide helpful when you are shopping for your own baby, creating a baby registry, or shopping for a friend. Be sure to grab the newborn baby checklist so you can have everything at your fingertips.

What essentials are needed for a newborn baby?

To answer this question, you need to know that there is different baby gear for different things. Here are the different categories that you'll need to be aware of - nursery, layette, diapering, feeding, bathing, activity, health & safety, and travel. I'll go over each of them in detail and give you the defiant needs of each category, along with the best product for each item. Grab the newborn baby essential checklist printable and lets go!

baby essentials registry checklist

Baby Registry Checklist

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The sweet nursery! I loved designing the nurseries for each of my babies. It is so much fun to pick out a paint color, crib, bedding, curtains, and the like. 

You will want to have the nursery set up for your newborn baby, but don't expect to spend much time in it for the first couple of weeks. 

  • Crib - A classic white crib is one that you can pass down to future children or you can convert it to a toddler bed.
  • Glider with Ottoman - You are going to spend hours rocking your baby in this chair, make sure you get a comfortable glider with an ottoman
  • Dresser - I prefer to have a dresser instead of a changing table. The dresser grows with the baby while the changing table does not. I like to put a changing pad on the top of the dresser to turn it into a changing table. There is plenty of room left for a basket of diapers and wipes while the dresser drawers hold baby socks, clothes, and blankets.
  • Side Table - Put a small table next to the rocking chair to hold a lamp, sound machine, your drink, nursing supplies, a book, or anything else. 
  • Lamp - This lamp is a great choice for a nursery.
  • Curtains - You are going to need blackout curtains. Trust me on this one. Your baby will sleep better in a dark room. I like to have regular curtains with blackout curtains behind them.
  • Crib Mattress - I like this mattress. It's basic, but works great really well and creates a safe place for the baby to sleep.
  • Waterproof Mattress Pad - Get 2 waterproof mattress protectors for the times that your newborn will spit up and you need to quickly change the crib sheets.
  • Crib Sheets - 4-5 crib sheets is ideal. I really like these sheets.
  • Changing Pad - I've always put a changing pad on top of the baby's dresser to change their diapers. This is the one I've used for all of my babies. 
  • Changing Pad Cover - Get 2-3 changing pad covers.
  • Humidifier - You are going to want a humidifier before you actually need one! Get this one now so that when your baby is stuffy or congested, you will be ready.
  • White Noise Machine - I have 3 of these white noise machines in my house. All of my babies have slept very well at home and when we travel. I highly recommend it.
  • Hamper - You'll need somewhere to put all the tiny clothes that get dirty. This hamper is perfect!
  • Storage Boxes and Bins - Babies come with a bunch of small items, get some storage baskets and bins to keep all the things contained in the closet and in the dresser.
  • Bassinet - You'll want a bassinet for your newborn baby to sleep in right next to your bed. You can use a Moses basket, pack and play, DockATot, Halo bassinet, or something similar. My babies sleep in the pack and play for the first few months before transitioning them to their crib. If you cosleep, I recommend buying a DockATot.
  • Baby Monitor - Unless you have a small house, I recommend getting a baby monitor. I've had this one for 5 years and used it for 3 babies and works great! I love that it has 2 parent units. That way I can leave one in my bedroom and one in the kitchen. It also has a very long range, which is important.


What exactly is a layette? A layette is all of the baby clothes and accessories for your newborn baby. Baby clothes are adorable and it's hard not to overbuy. A good rule of thumb is to have enough sleepers, gowns, and outfits for 2 weeks. I love to buy Carters brand of clothing since they wash really well, are durable, and you can pass them down to multiple children.

You really don't need baby shoes until your baby is a little bit older. When I do buy shoes, I love Freshly Picked baby moccasins for my baby's first shoes. You will also need to wash all of clothing before your newborn baby wears them. I wash all of my baby clothes and gear in baby Dreft laundry detergent, more on that later.

free baby storage organizing labels

Clothing Labels


Newborn babies require a lot of diaper changes and you are going to use a lot of diapers! Make sure you've got everything ready to go and a couple of different diaper stations set up in your house. 

  • Diapers - My favorite diapers to use for the first several months is Pampers Swaddlers. They are so soft, fit the baby really well, and have a line that indicates when the diaper is wet. There have been a couple of diaper blowouts, but usually only when we need to go to the next size. Trust me, spend the money and get Pampers Swaddlers. Plan to use a case of newborn diapers for at least the first 1-6 weeks, and size 1 diapers for 2-3 months, going to size 2 after that.
  • Wipes - The only wipes I use and love are Pampers Sensitive wipes. I have used them for all 4 of my babies, they are the only ones we buy. I have used other brands but always come back to Pampers Sensitive. I love how they feel in my hand, they wipe really well, and there is a bit of stretch to them. Since they are sensitive wipes, I never have to worry about them irritating my baby's bum. 
  • Diaper Rash Cream - I have used several different diaper rash creams, but the one that I have found to work the best is Aquaphor. I swear by this stuff! Aquaphor doesn't take very long to clear up the irritation.  I've found that the irritated skin always looks so much better by the next diaper change. You can also put it on chapped lips or skin and other places that need some healing. I buy it by the tub and it lasts forever!
  • Diaper Pail - You will need a place to put all of the dirty diapers. This diaper pail locks all the odors in and you can use regular trash bags!
  • Diaper Bag - I love a good diaper bag! My favorite diaper bag has to be this Skip Hop diaper bag or my current Kate Spade diaper bag. I love both of these bags because they are big and have lots of room, they also have several different pockets with elastic, are wipeable, have outside pockets, have stroller clips, long handles, include a matching diaper changing pad, durable, and are pretty. 
  • Travel Changing Pad - If your diaper bag doesn't come with a diaper changing pad, be sure to buy this Skip Hop diaper changing pad. I love that it is wipeable, closes easily, doesn't take up much space, includes a wipe container, and has space for a couple of diapers, wipes, and a couple of other essentials. When my baby is older, I'll taken my Skip Hop diaper changing pad on outings while leaving the bigger diaper bag at home. You can also put this changing pad in a larger purse or tote bag if you wanted to leave the diaper bag at home.


A newborn baby eats a lot of milk around the clock! You need to make sure you have all of your feeding supplies washed, sanitized, and ready to go before your baby is born. Trust me, you do not want to clean everything after your baby is born and you are sleep deprived.

  • Breast Pump - You will need to get a breast pump. Even if you are not planning on breastfeeding, you are still going to need something once your milk comes in. I recommend using Medela pump in style double breast pump. It is the one that I've used for 4 babies now and it is still going strong. Medela breast pumps come with a standard medium sized nipple shields, these might be too big or too small. Make sure to check for the correct fit as it will affect your pumping experience. The Elvie breast pump is a really good option for pumping on the go. Great for working moms since it is 100% hands free. 
  • Nursing Bras - These nursing bras are really comfortable, buy them in your pre-pregnancy size.
  • Nursing Pads - I like to use these nursing pads for the first 3-4 months before switching over to reusable nursing pads. I have found this to be the best combination for me throughout my nursing journey.
  • Nursing Pillow - You'll want some extra support when feeding your baby. Use a nursing pillow like this one to help you.
  • Nursing Camis - I live in my nursing camis! They turn any shirt into a nursing friendly shirt in the blink of an eye. Nursing camis also keep the tummy covered while allowing your baby to feed.
  • Nursing Cover - I absolutely love my Milk Snob nursing cover. It is perfect to use not only as a nursing cover, but also a high chair cover, grocery cart seat cover, and a car seat cover! It has held up through 2 children, numerous washings, and is very durable. I wish I had this with my first baby!
  • Breastmilk Storage Bags - You're going to need some storage bags for all the milk you pump. You can get breastmilk bags that attach right onto your pump, but I like these storage bags that allow you to freeze them flat, giving you the most space in your freezer. I will pump the milk into a bottle and then transfer the milk from the bottle into a bag, label it, than lay it on a small cookie sheet in the freezer until I need to use it.
  • Nipple Cream - The best nipple cream that I use and love is Medela lanolin. It gently glides on and is so soothing for your sore nipples. 
  • Bottles - I really like the Mam bottles, but you never know which bottle your baby will prefer. Dr. Browns is a great brand and are easy for the baby to grasp since they are skinny. My advice is to get 3-4 bottles and see which one works the best for your newborn baby.
  • Bottle Brush - You are going to need a bottle brush to clean all of the bottle and pump parts. This is the bottle brush that I use and love.
  • Drying Rack - I love my boon grass bottle drying rack! You can get this tree attachment for all of the bottle nipples, rings, and your pump pieces.
  • Pacifiers - I really like Mam pacifiers and Nuk pacifiers, but it is totally up to your baby which one they prefer. Have a couple of pacifiers on hand.
  • Bibs - These bibs are my favorite. 
  • Washcloths - I like to use these washcloths for cleaning up my baby after a meal. They wash really well and are highly durable. I keep these washcloths right next to my bibs so they are easily accessible for meal times.
  • Burp Cloths - I like these burp cloths but my favorite burp cloth is a cloth diaper because they are highly absorbent. I sew some fabric onto the end of the burp cloth to make them pretty. This brand is my favorite cloth diaper to use when making my own burp cloths.
  • High Chair - You are going to need a high chair for your baby once you start feeding them solid foods. I have used this fisher price table top high chair for 4 babies now and it is still working great! Another option is to use a high chair that is a stand alone chair, like this wooden high chair.

the baby gear i need to register for


You are going to need a few basic supplies to help bathe your newborn baby. These are the items that I use and love. 

  • Baby Bathtub - You will need to have some kind of bathtub to bathe your baby in. I prefer to use a baby bath sponge. It's inexpensive and I can throw it out once the baby has outgrown it. If you want to use a baby bathtub, than I recommend this one.
  • Hooded Towels - Do you really need baby towels? Yes, you will want to use them. I love using baby hooded towels because they are just the right size for wrapping up your newborn when they get out of the bath.
  • Washcloths - Just like with the hooded towels, you are going to want several baby washcloths. These work really well. I like to use baby washcloths for bath time and meal times since they clean baby's face and hands really well.
  • Baby Wash and Shampoo - I like to use Aveeno baby wash and shampoo. It is soft and gentle for a newborn baby's sensitive skin. Aveeno is the only baby wash and lotion that I use.
  • Baby Lotion - I recommend using Aveeno baby lotion, it is the only brand that I use. It is soft and gentle for a newborn baby's sensitive skin. 
  • Faucet Cover - Having a faucet cover is helpful in keeping your baby safe while in the large bathtub. You don't want them to bump their head on the faucet.
  • Bath Toys - You will want toys that are intended for bath and water play. I use these bath toys. These ballerina bathtoys and dinosaur bathtoys are also adorable!


Even when trying to stay minimal with baby gear, there are a few key pieces of baby things you are going to want to have on hand. I like having a few different options to use on a daily basis with my baby because it keeps the baby happier and more entertained. If you have a multi-level house, it is extremely helpful to have at least one baby holding item on each level. 

When you buy quality baby gear, it will last through several children. You will need to make sure to wash all of the covers and things before your newborn baby uses them. I wash all of my baby clothes and gear in baby Dreft laundry detergent.

  • Activity Play Mat - This is the play mat that all of my babies have used and loved. Babies love the bright colors, it is easy to store, machine washable, and durable. Babies are also entertained by the toys and is great for their development. It is perfect for tummy time!
  • Swing - I didn't have a swing for my first two babies, but I wish that I did! Here is why; You will want a couple of options of where to put the baby. A swing is nice so that your baby can finish their nap if they wake up early, if you need to get dinner on the table, if you need a shower, or just have a moment when you aren't having to hold the baby. Buy the swing.
  • Bouncer - You are going to want a couple of different options of safe places to put the baby. I like to have a small, portable bouncer that the baby can sit in if I need to get a shower, sit by myself, folding laundry, or putting dinner on the table. This bouncer is nice and has extra cushion in it. I also like the toys that hang down to keep your baby entertained.
  • Exersaucer - When your baby gets to be 4-5 months old and can sit up, you will want to have a exersaucer with lots of toys on it. With my first baby, I had a doorway jumper. Neither I or my baby liked it because it was far away from where we hung out at (I would be on the sofa and the baby was across the room in the doorway). So we really didn't get a lot of use out of it. For my second baby, I bought an exersaucer and that has been wonderful! I love that I can move it from room to room and the baby can be right next to me while playing with toys. 
  • Pack and Play - All of my babies have slept right next to me in the pack and play for the first few months of their life. If you choose to have the newborn baby sleep in a bassinet, a pack and play is still essential to have for other reasons - if you travel, if you have other people visit who need a crib, and for setting up a diaper changing station and napping area in a downstairs room. You can also set it up in your living room with toys in it for a safe place for your baby to play. I like this pack and play because it has a infant seat that you can use as a bouncer, a baby bassinet to help with diaper changes, and a diaper organizer. 
  • Pack and Play Sheets - You will need to have 2-3 sheets for your pack and play. Trust me, regular crib sheets are too big and bassinet sheets are too small. I like these sheets for the pack and play. They are the perfect size.
  • Baby Toys - You'll need baby toys sooner than you think. I love these toys for helping a newborn baby learn how to grasp and these toys for baby to chew on when they are teething. I also have a bunch of recommended toys for each stage of your baby's development.
  • Baby Books - One thing I love is baby books! Get board books as your baby will not be able to rip them apart easily. I also like to have several soft cloth books for my babies. Here are a bunch of board book recommendations.

checklist for baby registry essentials

Download the Baby Registry Checklist

Health and Safety

Health and safety is a baby category that you do not want to overlook and you'll want to be prepared ahead of time so that when the time comes, you will be ready. Also, because babies tend to get sick in the middle of the night. I don't know about you, but I for sure don't want to be making a Walmart run at 2am because I didn't plan ahead!

  • Thermometer - Yes, you will need a thermometer. I really like this thermometer and you'll be able to use it for year to come.
  • Baby Hairbrush - I love this baby hairbrush set! It includes a brush and comb. The soft brush is perfect for your newborn baby's soft and sensitive head.
  • Nail File Kit - This is the nail filing set that I recommend. Buy them and buy them for other friends who are expecting a baby. They are a lifesaver and make trimming those sharp baby nails a less fearful task.
  • Baby Laundry Detergent - You will need to buy baby detergent that is specifically made for a newborn baby's sensitive skin. Dreft laundry detergent is the best laundry detergent for a newborn baby. It is the only baby detergent that I have ever used for my babies laundry. I also swear by Oxi Clean and Shout stain remover to get rid of all the stains from poop, food, and spit up. 
  • Nasal Aspirator - You need to buy the NoseFrida nasal aspirator. It totally works to keep your babies noses free and clear of snot. You will also use it a bunch.
  • Baby Gate - You won't need a baby gate until your baby gets mobile, but when they are moving, watch out world! I use this baby gate since it is easy to put in place and take down. I also have two of these doorway gates that are more permanent, but I love them since they have a gate to open and close so you can easily get in and out. You can use it in a doorway or on stairs.
  • Baby Medicine - You'll need basic baby medicine to have on hand for your baby. I recommend having chest rub, Tylenol, and Motrin. Make sure that you check the age on the medicine since infant and children are different.


These are the essential travel based items that you will want to have for your baby. It makes getting out of the house so much easier! Remember, when you buy quality baby gear, it will last for several children.

  • Infant Car Seat and Base - I have loved using the Baby Trend infant car seat. My babies have always stayed in the infant car seat for the first year and then I transfer them to a convertible car seat. I like using a infant car seat for the first year since it is easy to transfer the baby around when they fall asleep in the car seat. I recommend using a travel system with the car seat and stroller combination since the infant car seat attaches right onto the stroller. 
  • Convertible Car Seat - When your baby outgrows the infant carrier, it is time to buy a convertible car seat. I have used the Graco Extend2Fit car seat for a couple of children. Britax Boulaevard ClickTight is also a fantastic, hight quality car seat. Remember, you are dealing with your child's safety every time they get into the car. Buy a quality car seat.
  • Stroller - Maxi Cosi Zelia Max a great stroller! It turns very easily, is simple to fold up, and comes with a bassinet - perfect for a newborn to take a nap when out and about. I've also enjoyed using the Baby Trend travel system. Another fantastic stroller travel system is the Britax B Lively stroller travel system. For more than 1 child, I have loved my double Britax B Lively stroller. It has been extremely easy to use, fold up, turns well, and is very durable. I can usually get through all the doorways and aisles in stores. A nice lighter-weight stroller is the 3D Light. It is a nice umbrella stroller option that works well when you need to travel light.
  • Stroller Blanket - You know how much I love this blanket! It is the perfect weight for those morning walks. 
  • Baby Carrier - I never thought I was a baby carrier person until using my Tula baby carrier. I absolutely love the Tula baby carrier! My babies have loved snuggling up while being close to mom. The straps are easy to adjust, it has plenty of padding at the shoulders, and has a lot of support. I really like the little pouch in the front. It is the perfect size to carry a small snack or your phone. You can also easily nurse your baby in the Tula baby carrier, which is an added bonus!


Bringing home a new baby is a miracle in and of itself. You can think you are prepared, and you very well might be, but it is a huge life change. You are going have a lot of questions and it is best to have several resources right at your fingertips to help you when you need it. I recommend educating yourself before your baby is born by reading books and taking childbirth classes. Here are additional resources to help you.

I think that wraps up all of my baby must-haves and essentials! Hopefully you found this exhaustive baby checklist to be helpful to you when you are picking and choosing exactly what items you need to buy for your baby. 

I hope you will use the baby checklist while you are buying all the baby things for your little one.

While you are setting up your baby's nursery, make sure you read how I organize and store all my baby clothes and how I organize books in the nursery

must have baby essentials and free checklist

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